2013 Year Full of Delight

When you do what you love and love what you do, 365 days can go by in the blink of an eye. And this year, R&R’s trip around the sun was no exception. We started 2013 by saying goodbye to our nomadic state and hello to our first office space. Kept the milestones going and toasted a year of awesome-sauce with our first employee and amazing Art Director, Courtney Hurt. Celebrated with glee client successes and awards (hello, total communications and Judge’s choice) in-person, online and everywhere in between. Welcomed our first Account Executive, Evan Smith, officially becoming an office of three girls and a guy. Donned our most ridiculous get-ups for a Halloween appreciation bash. Rounded out the year by sharing with you – our family, friends and clients. Scroll on down, just don’t blink!

culture photo culture photo culture photo culture photo
10 logos created 14 websites launched 4 awards won
ipad cases plant coffee mugs
3.78 miles travelled to work 2,632 miles travelled to conferences near and far
63 ampersands in the office ampersands 468 chobani yogurts consumed chobani yogurt
stairs 2.25 times Evan has fallen down the stairs Victory Sandwich 98 Victory sandwiches eaten