Accelerating the New Year

Like many a good resolutionist, we’ve been working tirelessly this January to keep up with all of our new years commitments. We’ve challenged our minds and bodies, both personally and professionally, in an effort to make 2012 our best year yet.
What’s on that list you might ask? Well, I’ve been diligently working on the new R&R brand and balancing the de-cluttering of a new house, Scarlett’s enthusiastically pursuing new business and is tackling her first ever half marathon and we’re both making a concerted effort to step up our entrepreneurial prowess.
To hold up my end of the deal, in December I joined a group called Entrepreneurs’ Organization Accelerator. They may not have a creative name (!) but it is one sharp group of people with great ideas and solid business acumen. The organization offers monthly accountability meetings with a tight nit group of fellow entrepreneurs and quarterly daylong seminars.
My first seminar was just last week and I enjoyed a solid 8+ hours with my entrepreneurial peers discussing one of the biggest variables of small business…PEOPLE. We discussed communication tools to create better correspondence, learned about ROWE (Rewards-only work experience) and heard from a number of once small (now large) business owners about the growth of their companies and how they manage their, you guessed it, people.
While we may not have 100s of employees under our wings, we do work with a broad scope of clients, vendors, partners and friends, which make up our robust, remote work environment. We appreciate you all and hope that through events like our Accelerator People day that our professional relationships become even stronger. Here’s to a happy and healthy start to 2012!