Top 5 Ways To Boost Your Brand’s Instagram Feed

Top 5 Ways Graphic

It’s safe to say that almost every business, organization and person you know has an Instagram. Having eye-catching, engaging and unique content can help your brand stand out among the other 600 million users scrolling through their feeds. An active and creative presence on Instagram can better connect you to your audience and build stronger brand awareness. Here are five things you can do to improve your brand’s Instagram feed:


  1. Choose Your Aesthetic

Before you post just any photo, take some time to think about the entire look and feel of your grid. For a brand, it’s important to think about the overall vibe you want to create for your Instagram and for your followers. Think about colors, angles, moods—what kind of style or work are you trying to share? Users want content that will make them smile, make them think or improve their lives in some way.

  1. Plan And Create Intentional Content

Your followers are moving through their Instagram feed so quickly that there isn’t time for sub-par content. Focus on curating content that matters to your users and your organization as a brand. Once you have those intentional pieces, plan out how your photos will look in your grid. This will prevent your feed from looking too busy or posting photos next to or on top of each other that are too similar.

  1. Consistency Is Key

Posting consistently and around the same times is helpful for improving engagement. You want to post at least 1-2 times a week, whether it’s multiple posts or just Instagram stories. This keeps your audience engaged and your profile fresh with new content.

  1. Keep Your Profile Up To Date

A disorganized Instagram profile is very unappealing. It can look inconsistent and sloppy if you aren’t careful!

R&R Instagram

      1. Make sure your profile photo is current to your brand and has a high resolution. There’s nothing worse than a blurry profile photo!
      2. Keep your username simple and concise — if your organization has a long name, add it to your name in your profile.
      3. Avoid long and jumbled links in your bio. Linktree is a free tool that helps you create a micro webpage where you can put all the links you want to share (your website, blog posts, videos, etc.) Check out the R&R Linktree for a little inspo!
      4. Story Highlights allows you to group old stories together in a new section that sits below your Instagram bio. Consider adding cover photos and captions to be consistent with the rest of your brand. If you have multiple highlights on your profile, make sure to name them something other than the auto generated “highlights” caption.
      5. Save the longer bio for your website and keep your Instagram bio short and to the point, include only the most important details!
  1. Use Instagram Tools

Instagram Insights is another free tool that comes with your business account. Insights allows you to get into the nitty-gritty data behind your profile—because if you don’t know who’s viewing your content, how posts are performing or what your audience looks like, then you could be wasting time creating the wrong content.


Does your organization need a little social media refresh? Send us a note! I would absolutely love to talk through all things social media!