Branding across the social media spectrum

If you are one of our loyal social media followers, you may have noticed that we’ve decked out our halls a bit.  We’ve been so busy helping our clients build their brands in the online world, that we hadn’t had a chance to do the same for ourselves.  Well, between designing logos, programming websites and writing copy, we found some time to flaunt our social media prowess.

The New and Improved Blog:

As blog readers, many of you have questioned the identity of the blogger.  I of course, feel that the shield of anonymity is quite nice, especially when I babble on about picking up potential dates with my business card.  However, I do understand that sometimes stories get confusing if you can’t tell who’s telling them.  Therefore in an effort to lessen confusion and provide full disclosure, you will now be able to place a name with a writing style.  We also added a case study section so you can read about some of our great clients and our mutual successes.  Seeing as integrating social media is something that we practice and preach we added our twitter feed to our blog – don’t worry we don’t talk about what we ate for lunch, we prefer to tell you about the marketing and business world instead.  Oh and of course, with all the great new additions I can’t leave out the beautiful header that now showcases our name – have I mentioned that Karen is a rockstar?  She took our brand strategy and expertly communicated through every media vehicle we utilize.

Making the most of 140 Characters

As many of you know from reading my blog posts (yeah, the cats out of the bag now) I’m the one with obsessive tweeting disorder.  Since coming to terms with my need to tweet, I have convinced the rest of Rhyme & Reason Design that we most embrace our account and develop it into another avenue for establishing our brand.  I must have had a pretty good argument because our brand strategy is now reflected on our twitter background.

Seeing as we don’t want to give you sensory overload with all the great new bells, whistles and characters, I’ll fill you in on Facebook next time around.  Until then, take a look around our blog and if you want to improve your knowledge on the world of entrepreneurs, follow me on twitter @rhymeandreason3.
