Fashion Revolutionizing Facebook

When you spend as much time as I do in jeans and t-shirts (please remember I work from a home office or a coffee shop, neither require heels), you begin to appreciate the efforts that others put into dressing well.  In fact, if I am out and about, I notice that I focus on the way others dress, almost as if to improve my fashion sense by osmosis. Don’t get me wrong, I own the staple pieces that every Glamour magazine champions and I can put myself together quite nicely when need be, but I do find that dressing up loses its luster when only the cat sees you.  However, with all this said, we just wrapped up the development of a Facebook Fan Page for Alton Lane. Alton Lane is a company built to revolutionize the men’s clothing market and although I possess two “X” chromosomes, I’ve found myself making adjustments in my own wardrobe to keep up with our extremely fashionable clients.

Alton Lane, having a clear eye for design and cutting a mean creative streak, designed their own Fan Page but needed some serious development chops to take the tabs from static to interactive. The Fan Page that Alton Lane created wasn’t merely a welcome tab, it was a robust, three-tabbed replica of their website. The tabs, which included a Brand page, an Offerings page and a Press gallery, offer dynamic components for users to scroll, seek, learn and read about the company and the clothes.

The Fan Page acts more like a website then a business page on Facebook.  In fact, all three tabs showcase a main navigation bar that works the same way your website navigation works, scrolling galleries similar to slideshows often seen on website home pages, as well as anchor links, outbound press links and a content management system. Functionally speaking, this Fan Page is atypical in a great way, because it allows website users to seamlessly move from to Alton Lane on Facebook and vice versa.

So far, Alton Lane has managed to revolutionize my wardrobe, men’s wear and it looks like Facebook is next on their list. I’d say the new standard has arrived.