Peachy Greetings, Everyone!

Hello world!

My name is Veronica, and I am the new graphic design intern for Rhyme and Reason Design! (Yay!) I am from Maracaibo, a beautiful and sunny city in Venezuela filled with fun people, fierce drivers and amazing food. Atlanta is now the awesome city I have been blessed to call home since 2013. I moved here to pursue my M.A. in Illustration at the Savannah College of Art and Design after graduating as a Graphic Designer in 2012 back in my hometown.

Since graduating from SCAD last November, I’ve been working as a freelancer, which I’ll continue to do alongside my work at R&R. Outside of my work life, I enjoy going to artsy events and lectures with friends and have volunteered with SCAD when I’ve had the chance. I find a great deal of joy when working with groups that empower women, and, fortunately, like attracts like — even in my short time here, I can already see that the R&R team is filled with powerful and inspiring women!

Fun Facts:

  • I spent most of my childhood swimming in a pool because I learned I had scoliosis when I was about 5 years old. I stopped doing it eventually (it was damaging my hair), but it remains one of the things I enjoy the most, and it makes me feel completely free. It is also probably the only sport I’m actually good at!
  • I enjoy having rainbow colors in my hair (thank you, Hilary Duff, for putting that idea in my head); it is currently semi-purple, and I love it.
  • Nutella is a necessity in this life. I agree with eating healthy (for the most part) but something that brings so much happiness should never be removed from your diet. Besides, chocolate is good in case of Dementors, and you never know where those could be, so, like Harry Potter, you must always be prepared!
  • As much as I love the idea of being/feeling/acting like a princess, I was a bit of a tomboy when younger (sometimes I still am) and always liked to play with toy cars more than with dolls.
  • I believe love is the most powerful force, and helping to heal others is one of life’s ultimate goals.

“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” – Sirius Black