Welcome our new Designer, Natalie Suarez

¡Hola nuevos amigos, yo soy Natalie!

When I moved to Atlanta just 10 months ago, one of the first things I did was attend a Creative Mornings lecture with my dear friend, Lauren Castro, who was a classmate of mine in the University of Florida’s graphic design program. Even though she hadn’t started working at R&R yet, she already knew the lovely ladies here and introduced me. Today I’m beyond excited to join the team as their new Designer. I have a range of experiences and a wide skillset — I just came from a graphic design position at corporate agency and in school I was the creative director for UF’s student union, where I oversaw all of the rebranding materials during construction and managed a small team of fellow students. I can’t wait to hit the ground running and design some kick-butt creative for our clients.

¡Fun Facts!

  • My favorite Color is red.
  • I’m a second-generation Cuban-American, and I can speak Spanish fluently (in case you couldn’t tell).
  • I know way too much about deep-sea creatures.
  • I know way too much about random things in general.
  • I knit and crochet; my current project is a T-shirt yarn rug for my living room.
  • No, I haven’t made a sweater — yet.
  • Born and raised in Miami (305 till I die)
  • Guava is my favorite fruit, closely followed by mango.