2014, The Year of Themes

2013 really was a year of delight for Rhyme & Reason. We celebrated some big milestones, connected with great people and learned a lot about what it means to be a growing business.

As we roll into 2014, we have the chance to look back over the year, assess our accomplishments and failures and plan ahead to make the next 349 days even better than the last.

Since this is the first blog post of the year, it would be fitting to post our resolutions, but it seems that the term “resolutions” has become a bit passé, so instead we’ll share our themes for the year.

Theme 1: Grow

We’ve made it. Well we survived the first five years of business, which statistically means we’re legit. I’d say we’re too legit to quit, but I don’t actually know if that is what MC Hammer had in mind for the definition. I digress. So here we are, five years young and it’s time for a growth spurt.

Let’s strive to grow in clientele, personnel and locale, because who doesn’t love new friends and bigger spaces?

Theme 2: Learn

I’d like to think that we learn something new everyday, but that’s probably just an overused cliché. In all seriousness, we should always be learning and in our industry there’s always something new: some social network we have never heard of but everyone is using, or a new update to yesterday’s new update. You get the idea.

In 2014, we’re going to make learning part of the daily routine. Read an article, read a book, pick someone’s brain, be in the know.

Theme 3: Be Happy, Have Fun

Being a smart, successful company doesn’t mean all work and no play. In fact, it should mean that work is fun and so is play. Creating a culture that breeds happiness and encourages having a little fun every now and again is a top priority. If you read any of those trendy tech magazines, you’ll notice that they talk a lot about cool workplaces with great culture that attract the best in the business (hello Google, Zappos, MailChimp).

So cheers to having fun, being happy, finding that elusive work-life balance and building a culture that makes people smile.

Theme 4: Try Something New

We’re lucky in the fact that we get to work with multiple clients in lots of different industries, so we’re always doing something new. But maybe we should take it further. Let’s be early adopters of new technology and new trends. What about learning a new language (the code kind or the foreign kind), volunteering for a new community organization or simply stepping outside of our comfort zone? You never know, the new thing could lead to some great opportunities.

We’re ready to live and love 2014 with these great themes. What about you? Any themes you have in mind for the New Year?