All Posts By: Scarlett Rosier

When Scarlett isn't assisting our clients through the creative process or writing punny one-liners, she can be found riding her horse into the sunset.

We’ve Not Been Awesome

We’re marketers and copywriters. We’re always supposed to know what to say, what to write and how to deliver a message, but recently, we find ourselves coming up short. We haven’t posted on social media this week, not because we don’t support Black Lives Matter, but because it felt like social media bandwagoning. It felt […]

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Creative Messaging In The Time Of COVID

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Before the world turned upside down, we were creating marketing materials to live on multiple mediums, that spoke to a variety of markets about a myriad of topics. But since March, we’ve all been focused on one main topic: the Novel Coronavirus, aka Coronavirus, aka COVID-19, aka The Rona, aka a pandemic by any other […]

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No Status, No Quo

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We’ve all somehow ended up in the middle of a Sci-Fi movie and, to be honest, I wish I had watched more of them to know what happens after the story arcs and before it jumps the shark. By the looks of it, none of us have been preparing to take the lead in our […]

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Don’t Fear The Phone Call

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We’re in a world rife with technology. For many of us in the workforce, we’ve typed since we could talk, pioneered social media trends from our dorm rooms and have long since turned to Google for all of life’s questions. And although we may have “come of age” with cell phones in our hands, the […]

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Your City is the Product

When it comes to communities, we’ve found that creating a sense of place goes further in attracting tourists. In fact, over the years, we’ve seen how tourism directly impacts economic development, which in turn affects the residential experience. Therefore, brand and marketing efforts must extend past the destination-specific to include initiatives that market a city […]

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The Impact of Social Search on Travel

As summer heats up so does travel planning and that goes for multi-generational vacations to business class conferences. Long before the Internet, people planned trips through travel agents, word-of-mouth or articles in the good ole newspaper. These days though, travel is a completely different beast, but one thing still remains the same, word-of-mouth matters – […]

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