All Posts By: Scarlett Rosier

When Scarlett isn't assisting our clients through the creative process or writing punny one-liners, she can be found riding her horse into the sunset.

Our Faux Pas, An Open Letter

What can I say, we’re all human, we all multitask and every once in a while we make mistakes. In our emailing, social media-savvy, text-laden environment, our brains and our fingers are running 90 miles an hour and – let’s be honest – the odds of your auto-correct misconstruing what you wrote are never in […]

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Your Culture is Your Brand

“Your culture is your brand.” These words form the foundation of one of the most successful startup companies in history. Uttered in 2010 by Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, in an editorial he wrote for the Huffington Post, the statement is a window into the changing world of business. Zappos’ success illustrates an evolution in […]

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Mission & Vision: Go Beyond the Logo

Beyond developing a logo mark for our clients, we often work with start-ups and even established organizations to create a brand standards guide complete with mission and vision statements. A brand standards guide is a multi-page document that details all the elements of a brand, from the actual logo mark to the appropriate web font, […]

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2014, The Year of Themes

2013 really was a year of delight for Rhyme & Reason. We celebrated some big milestones, connected with great people and learned a lot about what it means to be a growing business. As we roll into 2014, we have the chance to look back over the year, assess our accomplishments and failures and plan […]

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What exactly is a #hashtag?

The hashtag leaves many social media users perplexed as to its true function. Let’s take a more in-depth look at hashtags and the most effective ways they can enhance your social media experience. The origin of the hashtag can be found in the earliest days of the Internet. Developed to enable communication within discussion forums, […]

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