All Posts By: Scarlett Rosier

When Scarlett isn't assisting our clients through the creative process or writing punny one-liners, she can be found riding her horse into the sunset.

Big Nerd’s Big Site

If you are a Rhyme & Reason Design fan, you’ve probably heard us talk about Big Nerd Ranch a time or 10. Well we have been lucky enough to work with the coolest Nerds around for several years and during that time, we have helped create a cohesive brand message that seamlessly translates across digital and traditional marketing materials.

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Focus on Lung Cancer in Real Time

We are social butterflies. Well, at least when it comes to managing and strategizing social media programs for our clients. At the most basic level, social media is another tool in the marketing toolbelt that can complement a variety of different initiatives. However, like most marketing tools, social media also requires a plan and a strategy to succeed.

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Meaningful Miles

A few blogs back, you may recall reading about Back on my Feet, a non-profit organization promoting self-sufficiency in homeless populations, and the tri-fold brochure we volunteered to design. The project was an opportunity for us to give back to the community and support a group whose mission we value. Expecting nothing but warm and […]

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Connecting for a Cause

When you spend hours in front of a computer, you sometimes forget how important it is to make a connection offline. The Sentio Group, one of our recent clients, reminded us that a hand-shake and an in-person conversation can nurture business relationships and increase top-of-mind awareness.

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