All Posts By: Scarlett Rosier

When Scarlett isn't assisting our clients through the creative process or writing punny one-liners, she can be found riding her horse into the sunset.

How to Write a Rock-Star Marketing RFP

It’s a new year and that means new projects and new budgets. So how do you plan on spending those fiscal dollars? A new marketing campaign? A responsive website? A brand-new brand? The fact is you probably have all those dollars spent well before the year even starts. It’s just a matter of finding the […]

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Industry Jargon 101

We live in the world of advertising and design here at Rhyme & Reason, so I often assume that our industry-speak is well known thanks to buzz words like social media, digital and mobile becoming part of the general nomenclature. Yet during the holidays, while speaking to friends, family and party guests, I found myself […]

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2015 will Rock!

How Quarterly Rocks will Help us Define our Year. When I told the team that I was going to write a New Year’s blog, the age-old topic of resolutions arose. Do we? Don’t we? Does anyone even follow through? Have we ever followed through? Does anyone even care? Well, from our conversation, it sounds like […]

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A Pony Tale

I bet you’ve been wondering why My Little Ponies have been making cameos on Rhyme & Reason’s social media feeds and around our office. Well, like all good fairy tales, it starts something like this… Once upon a time, in a three-story Poncey-Highland walk-up, there toiled four lovely young women of different ages, hairstyles and […]

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An Ode to Our Core Values

Sometimes you get so caught up in the day-to-day of working in your business that you forget to look at the big picture. Well, at one of my monthly EO Accelerator meetings, I was encouraged to look at Rhyme & Reason and craft a core values speech, what you see below are my words, unedited. […]

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The Amazing World of Animated Video

Let’s say you have one minute to introduce your business to potential clients. Historically, this feat of communication has been done through the use of professionally edited and strategically placed words on a page, whether that opportunity is online or in the customer’s hand. The question is, do they actually read it? If we are […]

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