Velvet Singer, Organization for the Creative Mind

Holidays are great for wishing happy tidings and filling friends and family in on what you’ve been up to over the past year. This year, Rhyme & Reason Design‘s seasons greetings provided us with touch points to a few new clients.

Bill Bennett, a family friend and CEO of Velvet Singer, contacted us with the opportunity to help him refine his branding through the creation of a unique identity mark. Velvet Singer is a database program that enables performer to organize and manage every aspect of their careers, from auditions to encores.

Through thorough understanding of the product, R&R was able to develop a mark that speaks to the organizational and creative features that are the foundation of the brand. The design displays the joining of individual pieces as a way to represent the creation of a “complete package,” singing lingo for someone who has it all (voice, presence, looks, etc). While the use of diverse fonts mixes structure with organic to identify Velvet Singer’s abiliy to provide organization to a creative world.

The design process takes time, creativity and a deep understanding of the market. Here at R&R, we work to ensure that your brand’s personality and foundation are brought to focus through adherence to the design process. Should you know anyone in your group of friends or family who could use our branding efforts, send them our greetings.