While Scarlett was moving from out west back east, I was trekking from the south up to the big apple on anything that would move. Why limit yourself to trains, planes and automobiles when you can throw bikes, golf carts and truck beds into the mix.
While the trip itself only lasted a little over 2 weeks, the sheer amount we packed into that timeframe dictates that I must stick to the highlights. I will therefore leave you with some of my ‘lessons from the road’ that I picked up between Atlanta and New York.
• Vineyards in Central Virginia are best visited by bike. *Note- vineyards are much like museums, they’re often closed on Monday…so check hours of operation before you bike 20 miles. Also, cell phones do not work in the boonies so don’t plan any conference calls from the road.
• In rural Virginia you can buy used golf cart parts and chicken gizzards from the SAME shop. My advertising background wants to suggest that they focus on one marketing niche but I will happily concede to knowing nothing about gizzard sales.
• You can also buy donkeys on the side of the road (540-456-8091 IF you’re interested)
• In D.C., TomTom is not always right.
• Sending a friend 2 dozen rainbow colored balloons to be delivered to his office immediately preceding Pride Week in New York City is ALWAYS funny (thanks for being a sport Travis!).
• Absinthe is now legal in the states…and it is awful.
• Jumping pictures are always more fun than static, posed photos. This might be the art director in me coming out, but it’s the only way to truly embrace it.
• Playing ‘follow the little white man’ is a great way to see (ie get lost in) New York
and last but not least,
• Ten hour car rides may make you a little loony, but they are great brainstorming opportunities. Perhaps I’ll drive to Texas for our next big project.