Recent Posts In: Website Design

What is SEO and why do I care?

As an online copywriter, I am a multi-faceted nerd. In addition to my grammar, spelling, and word-usage nerdiness, I also go gaga for SEO content. For those who don’t know, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it just means “doing whatever it takes to be on the first page of Google/Yahoo Search/Bing when someone […]

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Big Nerd’s Big Site

If you are a Rhyme & Reason Design fan, you’ve probably heard us talk about Big Nerd Ranch a time or 10. Well we have been lucky enough to work with the coolest Nerds around for several years and during that time, we have helped create a cohesive brand message that seamlessly translates across digital and traditional marketing materials.

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Taste of Florida, summertime in a bottle

Taste of Florida Real Fruit Mixers are the perfect complement to any beverage. Doug McWhorter, founder and CEO of Coastal Beverages and Taste of Florida wanted a website that instantly transported the visitor from their desk chair to the beach. Beyond the vacation-like vibe, the site also needed to provide useful resources for wholesalers and individuals alike.

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