Archive: networking

In 2011 we resolve to…

10,9, 8, 7, 6,5,4,3,2,1…Happy New Year! Oh wait, we still have a few more days before we say goodbye to 2010, so what better way to welcome the New Year than with a few resolutions. I know the idea is a bit clichéd, but really it’s less about the resolution and more about the idea […]

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Budding Entrepreneurs

“Who do you know?” is a phrase often used by networking gurus and savvy business people in hopes of generating business from pre-existing contacts. Seeing as I am not afraid to eavesdrop in coffee shops to generate business, asking pre-existing contacts to introduce me to someone in their phone file seems almost like cheating. However, […]

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Adventures in R&R – Tampa Take 1

As many of you are aware, Rhyme & Reason Design is one of the many companies that thrive in the virtual office environment.  However, when you combine three friends, a creative business and the flexibility to move around, face-time becomes mandatory. What occurred on the recent R&R retreat in Tampa ranged from the mundane to […]

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